What do you eat?

If you have been Vegan long enough you have probably heard the famous line, “what do you eat?”

I admit when I first started on this journey I might have been just as clueless as the people who asked me that very question. However, after a year of being Vegan I started to realize that there is so many different varieties of food out there that I don’t even have time to try them all. It’s amazing how a perspective can change over time. Nowadays, I see new vegan recipes everyday on platforms such as Instagram and WordPress. (I just want to give a shout-out real quick to all the splendid recipes I get to see on the blogs I follow, you guys warm my heart and my stomach 😋)

Now when I am asked that question I tell people to download Instagram and WordPress if you don’t already, and type the word Vegan in the search bar. You’re welcome. 😉

One important thing I’ve learned about this journey that I’ll share with you guys, is that if you want to find success in something you should learn to find strength within your community. I began this vegan journey, and at the beginning the path seemed lonely, but as I made friends with others along similar paths I suddenly recognized I was now amongst a community that allowed me to share some of the things I valued most. The experience has humbled me and has warranted me to say that I appreciate each and every person that makes up that community. You guys inspire me to stay healthy, make me feel strong, and you are the reason why I am RisFit!

Maximize your ability to affect positive change!

Be RisFit! 

Chris 😊

29 thoughts on “What do you eat?

  1. We are only 3 months into our vegetarian lifestyle change and are really happy with how much delicious food we have discovered through vegetarian blogs and Pinterest boards. We are starting to look more at moving to a plant-based diet – thanks for sharing your experience with the Vegan community!

    Liked by 2 people

  2. I’m not Vegan, but I do find that as I try to eat healthy I’m eating legumes legumes like black beans and chick peas more and meat less. It’s definitely possible to eat a delicious, healthy meal while Vegan, you just need to know how to get your proteins and healthy fats!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I can’t say what works for your body, but as long as you’re taking steps to provide your body with the things that help it function at it’s best you deserve an applause 👏👏…Thanks for sharing!


  3. I’m not a vegan but your post certainly makes me want to try being a vegan for a week! 🙂 I look forward to more of your post and followed btw!

    Liked by 1 person

  4. I have reduced my meat intake to 30%, and it is really difficult to find new meals which are abundant and versatile enough. I have discovered a lot of new vegetables. Actually they have always been available in stores but I did not taste them before.

    Liked by 1 person

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